Buy Grimm's Giant Geometric Shape Rainbow Stacking Tower - Wooden Stacker Toy, 12 Pieces (From Triangle to 13-sided)
Most of the patron reviews inform that the Grimm's Giant Geometric Shape Rainbow Stacking Tower - Wooden Stacker Toy, 12 Pieces (From Triangle to 13-sided) from Publisher ,are quality product. It could be a pretty great product for the value. You can scan overview from consumers to find out additional from their past experiences. The customers feedback will give you a nice suggestion of the price and nice satisfaction of the products.
All in all, we are actually suggest Grimm's Giant Geometric Shape Rainbow Stacking Tower - Wooden Stacker Toy, 12 Pieces (From Triangle to 13-sided) fou you. This online sellers supply the best and save cost cost which included super conserve shipping (in U.S.A. only). Reading opinions gives you using a a whole lot of fuller data from the cons and pros on the Grimm's Giant Geometric Shape Rainbow Stacking Tower - Wooden Stacker Toy, 12 Pieces (From Triangle to 13-sided).
This giant-sized version of the classic stacking tower features eleven geometrically-shaped, wooden rings in vibrant rainbow colors that stack on a center post. Children practice eye-hand coordination and dexterity by sliding the rings onto the post - in any order at first - later learning about size and color sequencing as they re-create the tower's conical shape. They can be used to practice counting, too!
The size of this stacker really IS Giant! It stands more than 15 inches tall, which means each ring is well over an inch in height! The diameter at the base is 9.5 inches... that's BIG!! The top-most piece is a triangle, the second is a square, the third a pentagon, and so on - with each conscecutive piece having one more side than the last. Being more like blocks than rings, the pieces will stand on their sides, and can be used in all kinds of open-ended play as well. Not to mention, caregivers can find many ways to create extended learning opportunities for children as they get older, particularly by using the rings as geometric math manipulatives that children can pick up, feel, measure and experiment with.
Minimally finished to retain the natural feel of the wood. Edges are removed and pieces are dyed with non-toxic, child-safe colors (no varnishes), and natural, food-grade oil finishes. Blocks are 1.6 in. (4 cm) thick. For children age 12 months & up.
About Grimm's:Grimm's Spiel und Holz Design has been manufacturing high quality, imaginative wooden toys since 1978. Inspired by the philosophy of Waldorf education, these beautiful and unique toys are designed with simple shapes, vibrant, natural colors, and a gentle texture that can be enjoyed by both children and adults of all ages.
Grimm's toys are designed with the intention of helping children discover and develop their own creativity through simplicity of shapes, leaving plenty of room for independent play and imagination.
Grimm's Giant Geometric Shape Rainbow Stacking Tower - Wooden Stacker Toy, 12 Pieces (From Triangle to 13-sided) Feature
Beautiful, heirloom-quality giant Rainbow Tower is entirely handcrafted by German company, Grimm's.Stands 15-inches tall and each of the 11 block-like rings are 1.6 inches thick.Smallest ring is a triangle, the next a square; each consecutive ring has one more geometric side to its shape than the ring before it.Children will use it to stack, build, learn colors, counting, and even geometry!Grimm's uses only certified non toxic stains for coloring the wood -- No paint or lacquer.Find for item features and simillar products of Grimm's Giant Geometric Shape Rainbow Stacking Tower - Wooden Stacker Toy, 12 Pieces (From Triangle to 13-sided). Help in your choosing.
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